This is an invitation for all Section Presidents and other members from their section to attend the District 12 Leaders Conference which is being held in Lisbon Portugal on Friday 10 May and Saturday 11 May.
1. Registration Form
The application form to register for the DLC this is to be filled out and emailed to
2. Hotel reservations
Reservations at Hotel Pousada de Cascais have to be made directly with the hotel. A limited block of rooms are available at ISA special rate until April, 10th.
Ask for Mr. Nelson Nunes: +351 21 0417063
3. Program for DLC
The program for the two days is also attached. This is the Draft issue and may be updated before the event in Lisbon.
I would like to thanks Jose Alexandre Pereira and the Portugal Section committee for hosting this event and for their work in putting this program together. Jose will be sending out a map of Lisbon to show where the hotel is located and details on how to get from the airport to the hotel shortly. (see subsequent message 3/4/2013)
The ISA President Mr. Terry Ives will be in attendance and I look forward to meeting everyone in Lisbon.
All of us should look forward to contributing to an important conference,in which we can further our knowledge of ISA to help our sections grow, network with other ISA members and most importantly have some fun.
See you in Lisbon.
Brian Curtis
DVP District 12