Sunday, July 3, 2011

SLM in St Louis: some points from our VP

Summer Leaders' Meeting in June 26-28, in Saint Louis (USA) : a new momentum for ISA.
Representing District 12, Pino Zani, Alex Bobovich, Kevin Dignam, Jean-Pierre Hauet, Eoin Ó Rian and Billy Walsh.

Gateway Arch: St Louis's
most famous landwark
Leo Staples, 2012 ISA President: Expressed himself more than pleased - The SLM  clearly gave a new momentum to ISA.

Pat Gouhin, Executive Director, provided a status report of the society which is quite encouraging. Even if the accounts are still in the red, they are better than budgeted and the total membership has started to grow again (+0.6% since the beginning of the year).

District Board Chair Greg Lehmann reported an intense activity within all the districts and sections, with clarification of the budgetary and reporting processes. The formative ISA Belgium section has been officially chartered to the status of active section : congratulations to Marc Blekkink and his team on their effort.
Department Board Chair Ian Verhappen reported on the progress achieved in the Governance Restructure Task Force, in which Billy Walsh from our District actively participates. The principle of the concept of Society governance restructure was endorsed and the task force will now get into the details of its proposals.

Eoin Ó Riain gave a live presentation of our District 12 Web site which was recognized as a reference for the other Districts. Eoin also sits on the Executive Board for the Department VP's (He is currently Publications Dept VP).

Maurizio Zecchini, Italy Section, has been awarded the Distinguished Society Service by the Honours & Awards Committee for outstanding service and contributions to the Society and its Members. Warm congratulations to Maurizio and the Italian section!

Terrence Ives
, currently Parliamentarian, has been nominated as next ISA President-elect Secretary and will succeed Robert Lindeman, who will serve as ISA President in 2012. His name will go before the Delegates for election in October at Mobile, Alabama (USA). Our District nominator on the Nominating Committee was Kevin Dignam, former District 12 VP. He also serves on the H&A Committee as does Billy Walsh.

The next leader meeting will take place in Mobile, Alabama, Saturday, 15 October 2011 through Tuesday, 18 October 2011. This will immediately precede the Automation Week.

Meanwhile we invite you to participate in the ISA D12 leadership Conference which will take place in Brussels on Saturday September 17 following the ISAEMEA Forum. President Leo Staples will attend.

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