Dear All,
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Jean-Pierre Hauet VP D12 2011/2012 |
1 - ISA Fall meeting – Leaders list – Budgets – Business Plan
The ISA Fall Leaders Meeting (FLM) will be held in conjunction with ISA Automation Week 2011, in Mobile (Alabama - USA), 15-18 October 2011. Information is available on here on the ISA Main WEbsite. All regular active sections are invited to designate a Delegate and to send as many attendees as possible.
E-mail 24th July 2011
There were some key communications during the Spring Leader's Meeting in Saint-Louis (MO) regarding the ISA Governance Task Force. This question will be also debated during our next DLC (Brussels 17 September), after a presentation given by Billy Walsh who participates in the task force.
Section Delegates may be asked to make some key decisions related to Governance Restructuring at this year's Council of Society Delegates in Mobile (Alabama). Some proposed changes may be significant. It's important that members be informed and get involved.
The Governance Restructure Town Hall webpage contains updates and information related to the Task Force.
The June 27th, 2011 Governance Restructure Town Hall Meeting Video contains some important new information.
ACTION REQUESTED: Governance Restructure Task Force Request for Input is key. Please send comments directly to the committee through this web page link, with copy to me if you deem it useful.
Let me know if you have any questions or would like to discuss any point before the DLC.
Please circulate this information to your Section Leaders and Members in this format or your own in order to collect their feedback.
The Council of Society Delegates meeting will be particularly important this year as it will have to vote on the orientations proposed by the ISA Governance Restructure task Force (refer to my e-mail dated 24/07/2011 - see box). However only those sections which have coded their leaders will be entitled to officially seat in this meeting. I have got the impression that not all the sections have updated their leaders list as they should have done, according to the ISA MOP. I attach an .xls spreadsheet which summarizes my vision of the situation. Please check the information concerning your section on this form, send me the corrections you want to make and, as for those who may be concerned, your new leaders form as soon as possible.There were some key communications during the Spring Leader's Meeting in Saint-Louis (MO) regarding the ISA Governance Task Force. This question will be also debated during our next DLC (Brussels 17 September), after a presentation given by Billy Walsh who participates in the task force.
Section Delegates may be asked to make some key decisions related to Governance Restructuring at this year's Council of Society Delegates in Mobile (Alabama). Some proposed changes may be significant. It's important that members be informed and get involved.
The Governance Restructure Town Hall webpage contains updates and information related to the Task Force.
The June 27th, 2011 Governance Restructure Town Hall Meeting Video contains some important new information.
ACTION REQUESTED: Governance Restructure Task Force Request for Input is key. Please send comments directly to the committee through this web page link, with copy to me if you deem it useful.
Let me know if you have any questions or would like to discuss any point before the DLC.
Please circulate this information to your Section Leaders and Members in this format or your own in order to collect their feedback.
I also draw your attention to the fact that ISA headquarters also require Budget and Business Plan to be submitted by 30 September if Sections want to be granted with the rebates on the membership fees. Last year, collecting these documents was a touchy challenge! I will appreciate your co-operation in order to receive your documents in due time this year.
2- ISA EMEA Forum (Brussels – September 15-16)
The program of this District 12 Forum is at present almost completed and we have got important sponsors. I attach the last version (V5.1) where there is still room for one or two talks. Your Section can also be mentioned as partner of the event. Tell me if you are interested in (it is free!)
Please, post the program and the registration form on your Web site. Circulate the program among your members and within your circles. Registrations should be made as soon as possible. A block of rooms is reserved at the Belson Gresham Hotel Brussels but only until August 19. Make your reservation as soon as possible including, if you wish, reservation for the dinner on the 15 evening.
Please note that all D12 Sections can register two attendees free of charge to the Forum. Seize this opportunity for benefitting from the conferences and liaising with your colleagues.
For any further information, contact me or send a message to
3- DLC (Brussels - Saturday September 17)
With the presence of Leo Staples, ISA President, Nelson Ninin, Past ISA President and Tim Feldman (Staff - Global Operations Manager) this meeting will be particularly important. One of the key issues to be debated will be the role of the sections in the ISA organization and the proposals of the ISA Governance Restructure task force. I attach an updated version of the draft agenda where are listed the sections which have accepted to give a short presentation of their business model. Other sections are invited to also contribute.
Please post this agenda on your web site with the registration form and let me know whether your section is prepared to give a 15 minutes presentation of its business model during the Working session.
Make your hotel reservation as soon as possible for the le DLC, parallel to your reservation for the Forum. Please, note that guests are welcome to the dinner which will be organized in a restaurant, downtown Brussels on the 16th.
For those who are still on vacation, I wish you a pleasant holiday. As for the other, I wish them all the best for their return to work.
With my best regards
Jean-Pierre HAUET
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